A garden from another epoch with a prehistoric inspired creature…

Good garden design is like the setting of a stage in which nature will act out it's drama.

Iron Mountain Flagstone

Iron Mountain Flagstone

Agastache, Mexican Feather Grass, Pines, Catmint

Agastache, Mexican Feather Grass, Pines, Catmint

Sloping Walkway with 1/4-10 gravel is a good safe surface for everyone

Sloping Walkway with 1/4-10 gravel is a good safe surface for everyone

Steel sculpture with pebble mosaic by Kevin Shluka

Steel sculpture with pebble mosaic by Kevin Shluka

Mexican Feather grass & Catmint

Mexican Feather grass & Catmint

Reused stone with local basalt boulders and Molalla ledgestone inspired by the Trulli stone houses of southern Italy

Reused stone with local basalt boulders and Molalla ledgestone inspired by the Trulli stone houses of southern Italy

Photos by Biff Schlicting

Local Basalt boulders with places to plant

Local Basalt boulders with places to plant

Unique plants that thrive in a sandy coastal site play up the beachy vibes.

Cerinthe, sedum, Bracchyglottis ‘Crispa’, Baptisia ‘Solar Flare’, Olearia x monroi, Halimiums, Grevillea ‘Canberra Gem, Hebe ‘Raspberry Swirl’, Nasella tenuissima, alyssum, Callistemon ‘Eleanor’, Achillea ‘Moonshine’, Lobelia tupa, the list goes on—…

Cerinthe, sedum, Bracchyglottis ‘Crispa’, Baptisia ‘Solar Flare’, Olearia x monroi, Halimiums, Grevillea ‘Canberra Gem, Hebe ‘Raspberry Swirl’, Nasella tenuissima, alyssum, Callistemon ‘Eleanor’, Achillea ‘Moonshine’, Lobelia tupa, the list goes on—all plants that can handle sand, salt, deer, and wind with a little help from drip irrigation; Photo by Biff Schlicting

From left to right: Silver toned sand loving shrubs provide wind screen and buffer from street; Agapanthus ‘Twister’; Gladiolus papilio ‘Ruby’; Lobelia tupa, Paeonia (Itoh) ‘Bartzella’, Papaver sominferum ‘Midnight’; Sarracenia moorci x mitchelliana, Penstemon ‘Raven’; Achillea ‘Moonshine’ along a Camas stepping stone path with woolly thyme

A soft natural planting brings out the old-fashioned charm of an art gallery in a converted historic schoolhouse.

A landscape of native plants highlight the magic of the coastal setting at a place-based lodge.